Dear Chocolate Lover*:
Today is Thursday.
Ordinarily, on a Thursday, Alaina would have already made your mouth water by telling you about a specific must-try chocolate, or at least told you a chocolate-related tale.
This Thursday, Alaina has the day off. She contemplated spending her day talking about chocolate or taking pictures of chocolate.** Speaking of a picture of chocolate:

(Random photo of chocolate. Because Alaina enjoys still life chocolate photography and she thought you might too.)
Instead, she decided to go out. Hence the sign: “Out to Chocolate – Be Back Soon”
“Getting groceries” was the cover story. The real mission: Acquiring more chocolate. (Ok. Ok. Fine. Getting groceries WAS the real reason for going out, but she usually manages to wander over to the candy aisle to, you know, look around.)
She is rumored to have been seen with Ritter Sport Yogurt. There are also reports that chocolate covered coffee beans came home with her.
No other chocolate sightings have reached our ears as of press time.
(who sometimes talks about herself in the third person because she’s silly that way)
*Presumably you love chocolate. Because if you don’t, you’re on the wrong site!
**Alaina doesn’t actually take the pictures herself (at least 95% of the time). If you ask her, she “directs” the photography shoots (places the chocolates and switches them out). If you ask the photographer, she’s the bossy one that doesn’t allow enough time for optimal shots because “it’s melting!!!”