Chocolate Dessert Pizza with Crushed Candy Canes

This Chocolate and Mint Dessert Pizza recipe is also available in the following formats:

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Chocolate and Mint Dessert Pizza Ingredients (Crust):

  • 2 Cups Flour
  • ½ Cup Sugar
  • ½ tsp Baking Powder
  • ¼ tsp Salt
  • ½ cup Butter
  • 1 Egg
  • Water

Chocolate and Mint Dessert Pizza Ingredients (Topping):

  • 4 Bars Semisweet or Milk Chocolate (175g each)  Note: 175g x 4 works out to be 24-25ozs.  It is perfectly fine to use 24ozs of chocolate chips instead.  White chocolate or dark chocolate can be substituted for milk chocolate.
  • 10 Medium Candy Canes, coarsely crushed or chopped.  I used Spangler candy canes:


Instructions (Crust):

  • Combine dry ingredients.
  • Cut in butter.
  • Stir in eggs.
  • Slowly add water, little by little, until the dough is well mixed and can be spread on a pizza pan without being too sticky.
  • Press dough onto greased pizza pan.  (My pizza pan is 15 1/2″ in diameter.)
  • Bake at 200 degrees C.  for approximately 30 minutes (until golden).

Instructions (Topping):

  • Melt chocolate via a double-boiler method. (I put the chocolate in a glass bowl and put the glass bowl in a skillet filled with water, over medium heat.)  Once the chocolate is completely melted, let it cool for a few minutes (stirring occasionally).
  • Crush or coarsely chop candy candles.  (Note: Putting them in a clean cloth and using a hammer is a big mess.  I learned the hard way.  Either chop them with a sturdy cutting board and knife, or place 2-3 candy canes at a time in a stainless steel bowl and crush them using a sturdy glass bottle.)

Instructions (Assembly/Serving):

  • Pour melted chocolate on top of warm crust, spread evenly.
  • Sprinkle candy cane pieces on top of the chocolate.
  • Chill before serving.
  • Remove pizza from refrigerator at least 20 minutes before slicing (otherwise it will be too hard).
  • Serves up to 16 people (depending on how small the slices are).

Chocolate Dessert Pizza with Crushed Candy Canes

Happy pizza making!

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