Despite me being a part of Pinterest’s target demographic, the first time I’ve ever made something using a recipe found via Pinterest was only a few weeks ago.

Yes, I’m aware it’s 2016.  Before you go act all shocked:

I do cook and bake.  Not on a regular basis, but the concept is not a foreign one.   But when I do make something, out come the recipes we’ve used time and time again, because they’re the tried-and-true.   While certainly nobody was complaining about me making chocolate chocolate chip cookies for the umpteenth time, I decide to branch out a little and try something new.

The very first recipe I tried from Pinterest was a winner.  I’ve already made it twice.  It has already been approved by at least a dozen people, and it only takes three ingredients.

Last (but certainly not least) one of those ingredients is chocolate.  Naturally.

The recipe? Chocolate Covered Cherry Fudge from the House of Yumm:

Chocolate Covered Cherry Fudge

You’ll want to head over to the House of Yumm for the directions.  All you’d need is chocolate chips (I used the same amount of chopped chocolate instead of chips), a can of sweetened condensed milk, and a jar of maraschino cherries.   (Available online here, here, and here.)

My in-house taste-testers got right to work as soon as the fudge was cool.   Dad had two pieces and announced, “I think it’s good, but I’d have to have more just to be sure.”  (Good sign.)

The next night, after having two more pieces, it was official: “Yes, it’s good!”

The next step was to test this fudge out on a wider audience, so the next batch was served to friends, who were quick to say they loved it.  (Though they were eating it to wash down the chocolate with fat-bottomed ants they’d gamely volunteered to try with me; they might have loved anything after that!)

If you’re not a fan of maraschino cherries, simply omit them.  (It works great.  I tried making it that way too.)

I’m already plotting different types of fudge to try in the future.  Mint is an obvious choice.  A slightly less common flavor – fresh ginger – also sounds good to me.

What is your favorite fudge flavor?

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