Chocolove Coffee Crunch Banner

I came home from work one day and found all my scarves tied up in knots. I still don’t have a clear answer as to why, and the culprit still has to be dealt with.  (Is withholding chocolate an appropriate punishment, or is that too harsh?)

The silver lining: I’m always on the lookout for new props and backgrounds for chocolate photos, and colorful knotted scarves were too good to pass up.   Off I went to my chocolate drawer and back I came with Chocolove Coffee Crunch in Dark Chocolate:

Chocolove Coffee Crunch On Scarves

(To anyone I may have shared this chocolate with afterwards:  No.  The chocolate is not resting directly on the scarves that have been, to quote my mother, “who knows where” since they’ve last been washed.  Very clean hands and a very clean paper towel were involved with the making of this photo.)

But let’s backtrack.  First, the wrapper:

Chocolove Coffee Crunch Gallery Photo

I saw a quote posted on a friend’s Facebook timeline recently:

It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of a recreational activity.

After I finished laughing, the realization hit me that I would always be at the back of the line.  My family doesn’t even own a coffee pot.   However, that doesn’t mean I dislike coffee.  In fact, I rather like it…when paired with chocolate.

Chocolove Coffee Crunch is definitely being added to my list of chocolates to (if possible) buy again.  And again.  I like the fact that it isn’t too dark, as I like my coffee with milk and sugar.  The coffee bits are big enough to give the chocolate a fun texture but small enough that I can easily break the bar into perfect little square shapes, each with a little heart on top.

Bonus: Each Chocolove wrapper has a love poem on the inside.

Another Bonus:  Chocolove makes mini bars, which are a great addition to giftsets or an excellent way to sample new flavors.

Speaking of flavors, Chocolove offers 24: Like pretzel.  And peppermint.  And ginger.

Final verdict:  Highly recommended!

Until next time,

Alaina Cursive Signature



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