In my childhood, ginger was synonymous with baked goods.   I was most likely to eat ginger in pumpkin pie or spice cookies or gingersnaps.    Fast forward a few (!) years…

Did you know that ginger is surprisingly delicious with beef?  I recently had the pleasure of tasting a tender beef dish with a ginger teriyaki-like sauce and let me tell you… it was quite tasty.

Not so surprisingly, ginger is also delicious in chocolate.   Like Theo Dark Chocolate with Ginger:

Theo Dark Chocolate with Ginger

Theo Chocolate (if you have not already been introduced) is a U.S. bean-to-bar chocolate made in Seattle.  Their mission statement notes that Theo is passionate about bringing out the best of the cocoa bean, and, if you ask me, they’re doing a pretty good job!

Theo Dark Chocolate with Ginger – Quick Notes:

  • This chocolate is portioned off into generous-sized squares, a perfect size to get a good taste and still have just one square.  (If it were possible to have just one…)
  • The smooth, dark, not-too-sweet chocolate plays off the sugary, chewy ginger pieces very well.
  • Speaking of the ginger, I didn’t have to go hunting for it.  It was easy to find in each and every piece.  (Disclaimer to any family or friends reading this:  No, I didn’t bite into the pieces I gave you, to verify there was ginger in every piece.  Of course.  Did you see teeth marks?  Didn’t think so.  I’m going by the fact my two pieces had ginger throughout, and, by the look of what I saw peeking out of yours, I could tell your pieces did too!)
  • The ginger has cousins.   If ginger isn’t your thing, Theo chocolate is also available in many other flavors.  Just a few off of the top of my head that sound good:  Toasted Coconut, Peppermint, & Orange


Theo Dark Chocolate with Ginger Unwrapped

By the way:  Ginger is a vegetable.

Eating my vegetables never tasted so good!

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